Subject: Adventures in PDQ booting (with comments on 3400)
To: None <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/27/2001 13:46:49
At 8:29 AM -0600 11/22/01, Donald Lee wrote:
>Presuming that some of these quirks are required,
>It would be great if someone could try to explain why some of this
>slightly unusual stuff is necessary, like the new settings of
>load-base and real-base to something different after install,
>or why the ";1" is necessary....
That may have to do with how the CD-ROM is burned. The base spec
calls for version numbers like that.
> >Woohoo!
>>I did it. So for the next generation of users :), here is how it worked on
>>PB 3400c:
>>before the installation:
>>0 > setenv load-base 4000
>>0 > setenv real-base F00000 (or -1, but I think both worked fine)
>>0 > boot /bandit/ohare/media-bay/ata/atapi-disk@0:0,\OFWBOOT.XCF;1
> > (or NETBSD_RAM.GZ depending on what one has on CD)
I found that an MSDOS boot floppy works fine on a PDQ, but I had to
change load-base to 500000 (from the 600000 that System Disk set) or
I got a claim failed part way through loading ofwboot.xcf. "boot
fd2:1,OWFBOOT.XCF -a" with the floppy in the left bay.
This was not needed for the boot floppy image from 1.5.2 though. The
standard install instructions worked as advertised.
I was never able to set real-base to -1. OF said that was an invalid
value and rejected the setenv command.
> >after the installation:
>>0 > setenv load-base 600000
>>0 > setenv real-base F00000
>>0 > setenv boot-device /bandit/ohare/ata/ata-disk@0:0
>>0 > setenv boot-file <and press 'enter' to make sure it stays blank>
>>0 > reset-all
> >0 > boot
I have yet to find a good OF device path to access a hard disk (or
CD-ROM) on this beast.
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