Subject: Booting from external SCSI???
To: None <>
From: Josh Kuperman <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/27/2001 21:51:40
I had a small "crash" on my PowerMacintosh 6500/300. It ceased getting
through the fsck and ceased booting. I thought I could simply upgrade, but
probably screwed it up worse. The installation was on the ATA internal hard
disk. This machine came with an ATA hard disk, though the CD and ZIP were
SCSI. Once I got the message that /etc/fstab couldn't be found I abandoned
the idea that I could simply upgrade the existing installation.
Then I decided that, since I already had a 9GB external SCSI attached, I
would install the current version of NetBSD on that and see if I could
recover the data from my previous installation later.
I was able to install without a problem using an ftp install, but I can't
seem to boot. I've tried "boot scsi/sd@0:0" and ext-scsi/sd@0:0. And a few
others. I do get endless resetting SCSI bus messages and sometimes the one
about the "catch", but I don't get anywhere near booting. Are there any I'm
missing? Should I simply write off my previous NetBSD installation.
Josh Kuperman