Subject: Re: any UNIXish mice or keyboards for USB Macintoshes?
To: Derek Peschel <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/30/2001 23:58:42
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On Fri, Nov 30, 2001 at 07:27:49PM -0800, Derek Peschel wrote:
> I got the mouse and keyboard that came with my machine (G4 tower, only
> supports USB -- no ADB).
That's a shame, as Logitech makes (well, made, I presume it's
moronically out of production now) a great 3-button ADB mouse which
I use on the only macppc machine on which I run X (a 6500). If anyone
else wants to look for one, it's the "MouseMan(tm), Macintosh
Version", "M/N: M-AH32 P/N: 840015-00".
> Ideally I'd like a mouse that's exactly the same as the one I have now
> (black/clear color scheme, optical, requires no special mouse pad)
> except that it has three buttons.
Will you accept a wheel? I don't think I've ever seen a true three
button USB mouse...
No, wait, that's not true. The new Sun Blade 100s are shipping with
all-USB peripherals. I think that means you could come by a Sun
keyboard and mouse which could at least be made to work if they
don't right away. They're not exactly the same color scheme, but
they are somebody's idea of industrial design. Unfortunately...
> And I'd like a keyboard that's exactly the same as the one I have now
> (black/clear color scheme, 108 keys) except that it has n-key rollover
> (I think that's the term -- I want to be able to press and release any
> number of keys and have the event be correctly sent to the computer)
> and the control key is next to the A.
=2E.. it's got control in the wrong place (along with a bunch of other
keys in *very* wrong places for Sun keyboards or any era). Bear in
mind that this is easy to fix on the console with wscons (wsconsctl
-w encoding=3Dus.swapctrlcaps) or in X with xmodmap. Something like:
remove Lock =3D Caps_Lock=20
remove Control =3D Control_L=20
keysym Control_L =3D Caps_Lock=20
keysym Caps_Lock =3D Control_L=20
add Lock =3D Caps_Lock=20
add Control =3D Control_L=20
(Dump that in a file, then do xmodmap <file>.)
The only USB keyboard I've seen with control in the right place is
the Happy Hacking Keyboard Lite 2 (what a mouthful... it can be
found at, which
definitely doesn't meet your industrial design specs. (Nor my "I
want a noisy keyboard" specs, though it does seem to be a pretty
nice keyboard with a *really* small footprint.)
I haven't a clue about this "n-key rollover" thing. I only own
Apple ADB keyboards (including a couple of the "Apple (R) Keyboard",
a non-function key number with control in the RIGHT PLACE!), NeXT
regular and ADB keyboards, and one PS/2 keyboard (the big, clicky,
IBM number, with no Windows keys, but control in the wrong place).
None of them have key repeat problems. Is this a USB ailment?
> I know I can remap the control key. I've already done it (but not in X,
> and not in the MacOS). I figure if I'm buying a new keyboard I might as
> well get correctly-labeled keys and a correctly-placed LED. :)
Well, you can do it in X, too. And you can probably even move the
keycaps (maybe not so easy as it was on my IBM keyboard and Thinkpad
laptops, though).
gabriel rosenkoetter
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