Subject: Audio support in generic kernel (1.5.2)
To: None <>
From: Andrea Cocito <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/08/2002 21:49:28
Installing NetBSD on some models of G4 (blue digital audio
w/o gigabit) is essentially impossible for who has only one
The GENERIC kernel has the audio support, but the audio support
is broken and on these models a number of spurious interrupts
floods the kernel. Depending on the model and the configuration
of the machine the thing has an impact varying from a "very slow"
machine to an almost-frozen one.
On a machine here the system was so slow that it had not finished
compiling a 12k C source after 45 minutes (100% cpu usage steady)
and this is only an example, all the system's "performance" was
consistent with this.
After gathering around some note about the problem in the audio
driver I moved the hard disk to another machine (same series,
but different processor, 466 mhz instead of 400). The note I
found spoke about a slowness of the hard disk caused by the audio
driver, what I experienced is a cpu problem.
I actually had the same problem there but with less impact,
and was able to compile a new kernel without audio support
in *only* 3 hours, then moved back the hard disk to the original
machine... and there it worked nice (it's happily running ldap +
qmail + postgreSQL + kerberos plus a few other little things in
this moment, and does a "make clean ; make depend ; make -j 10"
of the kernel in a matter of minutes).
It would be a good idea to place in the distribution/ftp site
a kernel WITHOUT audio support. It wouldn't have been possible
to rebuild the kernel on the machine affected by this problem.
While there: sholdn't the limit on the physical amount of RAM
allowed (doesn't work with 1GB) and on the total addressing
space (doesnt work with an amount of RAM+swap greater than
2 GB) be documented somewhere ? With nowaday's machines is quite
likely that people gets stuck by having a machine with 2 gigs
of ram, or one gig of ram and two of swap, not booting.
Andrea Cocito
Director of the Biocomputing Research Unit
Department of Experimental Oncology
Europen Institute of Oncology
Via Ripamonti 435, Milano - Italy
Tel. +39-02-57489857
Fax. +39-02-57489851