Subject: Re: problem building -current
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Christian Groessler <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/13/2002 11:25:50
> On 12 Feb 2002, Christian Groessler wrote:
> Hi,
>> I tried building -current today, and it aborts when it tries to
>> install ofwboot.elf:
>> install ===> sys/arch/macppc/stand/ofwboot
>> STRIP=/usr/local/tools/bin/powerpc--netbsd-strip /usr/local/tools/bin/nbinstall -c -r -o root -g wheel -m 444 ofwboot /usr/mdec/ofwboot
>> STRIP=/usr/local/tools/bin/powerpc--netbsd-strip /usr/local/tools/bin/nbinstall -c -r -o root -g wheel -m 444 ofwboot.elf /usr/mdec/ofwboot.elf
>> nbinstall: ofwboot.elf: stat: No such file or directory
>> *** Error code 1
>> ofwboot.elf doesn't exist, there exists a ofwboot.el1 file which is
>> elf file format.
>> If I copy the ofwboot.el1 file to ofwboot.elf and try a make install,
>> it later aborts, complaining that ofwboot.xcf is missing.
>It must exist somewhere, or else make would have made it. The fact you
>have an el1 file indicates something worked right.
>Oh, don't copy the ofwboot.el1 file to ofwboot.elf as it won't work. It is
>an ELF-format precursor for ofwboot.xcf. It's not a functional ELF
I just did it that the build process can continue.
>Try 'cd sys/arch/macppc/stand/ofwboot; find . -name "ofwboot*"' and you
>should see ofwboot, ofwboot.elf, ofwboot.xcf, ofwboot.mrg, and
>ofwboot.el1. And others.
>I expect what happened is that you have an obj directory and that
>some of the files are in it and some aren't.
I have an obj directory (symlinked). I checked again, and "make
dependall" in sys/arch/macppc/stand/ofwboot won't build ofwboot.elf
and ofwboot.xcf, but "make all" does. Some bug in the makefiles?