Subject: Re: Partitioning for installation without Drive Setup
To: None <>
From: Paul Guyot <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/17/2002 19:00:06
À (At) 9:06 -0600 17/02/02, Bob Nestor écrivait (wrote) :
>NetBSD looks for some special partition type flags that are stored
>in the Partition Map entry for the partition. Most disk formatters
>have stopped putting these flags in since A/UX is no longer
>available from Apple. The original pdisk had support for this but
>it was commented out. The mac68k "mkfs" utility puts them in but
>that utility doesn't support IDE disks. I modified a NetBSD version
>of pdisk and placed it on the NetBSD site in the arch directories
>for both mac68k and macppc. If you use it and create (or delete and
>re-define) the A/UX type partitions it will put the flags back into
>the entry. Then they should show up in NetBSD.
Thanks for the tip, Bob. Why such things aren't in the install notes
or the FAQ?
Your build of pdisk changed some things since the installer saw 4
partitions instead of 5 ;)
However, I used Mkfs and I was able to change the flags and installed
NetBSD without any problem.
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