Subject: RE: hmmm, how do I make my own working kernel?
To: None <>
From: Mark Rakes <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/20/2002 01:48:01
>> trap type 200 at 30fc10
>Ouch. That's a "machine check" trap and might happen for one of a
>couple of different reasons.
we've seen similar problems with the 7451, which led to Cliff's post:
perhaps 7455s (the 1Ghz part) have a similar issue?
here's what we found with hacked in dumps of SRR1/MSSSR0:
>Dec 12 16:32:27 ox /netbsd: trap type 200 at 20c014 SRR1 0x149030
>Dec 12 16:32:27 ox /netbsd: MSSSR0 0x1000
>Dec 12 16:32:27 ox /netbsd: panic: trap
SRR1 has bits 11 & 13 set. From MOTO's 7451 info:
>11 MSS error. Set for an L2 cache tag parity or L2 data parity
> Also set for an L3 SRAM or L3 tag parity error;
> zero. [...]
>13 TEA. Set when TEA signal is asserted; otherwise zero
MSSSR0 looks like:
0x1000 == 00000000000000000001000000000000 ->bit 19 is set:
>19 TEA Bus transfer error acknowledge
> 0 TEA not detected as asserted.
> 1 TEA detected as asserted.
>from 4.6.2:
>A TEA indication on the bus can result from any load or store operation
>initiated by the processor. In general, TEA is expected to be used by a
>memory controller to indicate that a memory parity error or an
>memory ECC error has occurred. Note that the resulting machine check
>exception is imprecise and unordered with respect to the instruction that
>originated the bus operation.
> Data Transfer Termination Due to a Bus Error
>The TEA signal indicates that a bus error has occurred during a data
>For this reason, care must be taken to check for the end of physical memory
>and the location of certain system facilities to avoid memory accesses that
>result in the assertion of TEA.