Subject: Re: issues with libm and SANE??
To: paul <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/21/2002 17:36:22
On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, paul wrote:
> [/usr/pkgsrc/graphics/xsane]# pkg_info -F /usr/pkg/lib/
> pkg_info: No matching pkg for /usr/pkg/lib/
> WTF?
> now what? do I need this? Do I delete it? is it missing the rest
> of a package?
How many packages have you installed with errors? I think you mentioned
pkg_add didn't work for one, any others?
Try nm /usr/pkg/lib/ to see what symbols are in it. You might
also try just moving it out of the way. Oh, also, it's supposed to be a
symlink. What is it linked to?
Take care,