Subject: Optimisations break software?
To: None <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/03/2002 13:00:22
I've finally gotten to install NetBSD on a permanent MacPPC machine - a
modest 200 MHz 7300.
All is working fine, and I started compiling a handful of packages and
such with typical optimisations in /etc/mk.conf:
CFLAGS+=-mcpu=604e -mtune=604e
The packages have all compiled and run just fine, but when I supped
release-1-5 and did a make build, the system was killed because some of
the shared libraries were mangled. When I replaced the new shared
libraries with originals from 1.5.2 in single user mode, the system
returned to normal.
Then I did a make build without COPTS+=-O3, and the system is fine.
Is the toolchain broken in this regard?
John Klos
Sixgirls Computing Labs