Subject: Inconsistencies in dmesg
To: None <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/05/2002 19:51:59
I've noticed that dmesg on my PowerMac 7300/200 is a little wrong. For
one, the CPUs in these machines are not 604ev; theu are 604e:
CPU: 604ev (Revision 202)
The 604ev is the Mach5 cpu, which was a smaller process fabrication and a
different voltage. I have an 8600/350 which has a 604ev, but I'm running
OS X on it so I don't know what NetBSD would think about that CPU.
Another thing is just a cosmetic fix that should've made it to 1.5.3:
cpu0 at mainbus0bandit0 at mainbus0
(There is an open PR about this with patches)
Finally, I see nothing about my L2 cache. Since I do not see anything
immediately obvious in the NetBSD mail archives, could someone tell me
how or where this should be configured, or if it is, and what it's name
is? I think this should be in dmesg.
Thanks for any enlightentment,
John Klos
Sixgirls Computing Labs