Subject: Other backend than gcc (was: Optimisations break software?)
To: None <>
From: Xavier HUMBERT <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/07/2002 14:08:51
In message <Pine.WNT.4.43.0204031643090.1300-100000@todd>,
Todd Vierling wrote:
>-O3 is known not to work on many platforms; in fact, it's only regularly
>tested in gcc on i386 and sparc (and rarely at that). If this works with
>-O2, then as far as we're concerned "it works" at the moment.
gcc is known to be <euphemism> not really optimized for anything but x86
Actually my 8600 w/ G4/400 is barely faster than an old Pentium 200. There
is a performance hit, I think, between the Mac's old SCSI-2 and the
UtraDMA 100 added in the Peecee.
Nevertheless, has been any attempt done to use another back-end like MrC,
or some other Motorola compiler ??
I'm actually trying "-mcpu=7400 -mtune=7400" options, dunno if it will
makes something run better.
The only differnece I can see before I make a bench is the size !!!!
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 1797348 Apr 7 13:07 /netbsd-xavier-1.5ZC*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 2616661 Apr 7 13:52 kernelcompile/netbsd*
The first is standard compile options, the second is with "-mcpu=7400