Subject: Re: unable to netboot PowerBook (FireWire) since 4.1.8 upgrade
To: Peter A. Eisch <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/08/2002 11:36:09
At 1:21 PM -0500 5/8/02, Peter A. Eisch wrote:
:)Two nights ago I attempted with my pismo. I couldn't find a 1.5[.*] kernel
:)that would load though (hangs at ADB/keyboard and I didn't try a
Absolutely. I neglected to mention that -- I have the same symptoms as you
with 1.5-based kernels, but that's a known problem with the 4.1.8 BootROM
update. The patches to support that BootROM version were never pulled down
to the 1.5 branch.
Nevertheless, the bootpd problem still exists when using the the 1.5-based
ofwboot.xcf (version 1.2) since it never even loads.
-- MW