Subject: Re: open/netBSD (fwd)
To: Makoto Fujiwara <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/17/2002 17:41:59
At 5:40 PM -0700 5/17/02, Henry B. Hotz wrote:
>At 9:25 AM +0900 5/18/02, Makoto Fujiwara wrote:
>>MacOS CDROM will boot from OF with
>> boot cd:,\\:tbxi
>>Does anyone know if \:tbxi is just a name of file or some
>>special device ?
>It's either the MacOS file type or the creator code for the file.
>It points to some special file type that is important for MacOS
>booting. Maybe the blessed system file.
>Should be an Apple Tech Note on it somewhere, but don't ask me where.
Try looking at
Someone on the Darwin list just posted that link.
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