Subject: have to have HFS to install from the HDD?
To: None <>
From: electric-light-heads <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/20/2002 19:07:26
Am new to this world.
and am @ iBook-Tangerine(Japanese machine)
Am i misreading something written @ the installation guide?
It seems like the installer on my HDD tries to use all the disk
even though i have it partitioned into several parts..
i have hda9 and hda10 for macOS9
and have hda11 for yaboot bootstrap
and hda12 for swap
hda13 for Debian-Linux
hda14 for Gentoo-Linux
now am planning to use hda14 for netBSD
do i have to use pdisk and clear it as a HFS oriented one?
if i do that
will the installer find this "another" space to install?
---things @ the installation guide---
At present, NetBSD/macppc cannot exist on the same hard drive as MacOS unless you
partition your disk using a MacOS partitioning utility. Open Firmware versions
prior to 3 cannot boot into NetBSD on a drive partitioned this way -- you must
use the entire disk, partitioned with the installation tools. Open Firmware version
3 cannot boot into NetBSD on a drive partitioned with the installation tools, you
must use a MacOS partitioning utility and the ``Re-install sets or install additional
sets'' option in the installer (selecting the ``Install NetBSD to hard disk'' or
``Upgrade NetBSD on a hard disk'' options will render your drive unbootable). If
you are unsure, you may want to read the section below on Partitioning your hard
drive for NetBSD