Subject: Re: Rebooting a G4/350
To: Gavin Carothers <>
From: Charlie Allom <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/27/2002 16:47:54
On Sun, May 26, 2002 at 09:00:08PM -0700, Gavin Carothers wrote:
> >Where you are (purposely) in OpenFirmware, what does printenv say ?
> Only things changed from signiture are:
> boot-comand boot
> boot-device ultra1:,\ofwboot.xcf
> boot-file netbsd.macppc
> that's it. Everything else is as it was. It boots fine just when it reboots
> the boot loader exits and drops back into ofw. Well at least that's what it
> was doing till a few minutes ago. Now I get a lovely blank white screen,
> however if I hold down the Command-Option-O-F I can just type boot and it
> boots up normally.
You look like you've been bitten by the white-screen-of-death
rebooting bug ;)
My wallstreet also cannot reboot by itself. Some earlier machines can
be fixed by patching the nvram to idle a second or two so as to allow
the hard drive to spin up. (see the FAQ)
Also check early this months port-macppc for a similiar "me too"
thread about machines this has affected.
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