Subject: Re: Power Macintosh G3 (rev. 2, OF 2.4) won't boot :-(
To:, Donald Lee <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/15/2002 18:03:04
At 10:57 PM +0200 9/15/02, Markus W Kilbinger wrote:
> >>>>> "Donald" == Donald Lee <> writes:
> Donald> I have been assured that it can be done, and believe that
> Donald> it is a question of setting the OF variables
> Donald> "boot-command" and "boot-file" (I think I have the names
> Donald> right...) correctly. If you read the old threads
> Donald> carefully, it sounds like just typing in the commands for
> Donald> booting in OF is not enough, you have to set the vars, and
> Donald> then just type boot.
> boot-device ide1/@0:,\OFWBOOT.XCF;1
> boot-file ide1/@0:,NETBSD.;1
> 0 bootr
>(I guess only available after SystemDisks OF-Patches) I came to (but
>only once after e reset!) with booting from cdrom (floppy doesn't work
>at all):
> loader: loading XCOFF
> tsize=cbb0 dsize=14a8 bsize=2670 entry=640000
> .text 00640000 00640000 0000cbb0 000000e0
> .data 0064d000 0064d000 000014a8 0000cc90
> .bss 0064e4a8 0064e4a8 00002670 00000000
> loading .text, done..
> loading .data, done..
> clearing .bss, done..
> DEFAULT CATCH!, code=fff00300 at %SRR0: 00640018 %SRR1: 00003070
> ok
>I get the same result when setting up netbooting with
> boot-device enet:,\ofwboot.xcf
> boote-file enet:,netbsd
>So, does ofwboot.xcf run successfully, now?
>But how and where to specify the kernel ('s path) correctly? ('DEFAULT
>CATCH...' means the kernel could not be loaded?)
That's a pretty generic error message. An exception was thrown that
did not have a handler defined.
I suggest you try a boot-file of "-a" so you can try typing in test
cases until you get one that works. Then you put your type in as
boot-file. Also if you get all the way to an ofwboot prompt you know
that ofwboot loaded correctly (as it appears above).
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