Subject: How do I get my own kernel to a OF 2.01f-bootable floppy ?
To: None <>
From: Mark Anton <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/16/2002 20:24:04
Hello (again) Gurus,
Yes, it is me again, the guy who wants to make a server from the worlds
most buggiest PowerMacintosh G 3 266. I have been abel to cross-compile
a kernel on a i386 NetBSD 1.5.3 machine with GENERIC kernel running.
I just tried vnconfig -c vnd0 boot.fs , but I got only an error message,
indicationg that there is no disklabel (within the .fs diskimage - I suppose)
As I tried a i386 boot.fs , I could do a vnconfig -c vnd0 boot.fs ,
but after executing mount /dev/vnd0a /mnt there was another error
message, indicating that there was a bad superblock
Could anyone out there help me - getting my kernel to the OF 2.01f-bootable
floppy disk ?
best regards
Mark Anton