Subject: Re: accidentally "setenv real-base 600000" on Beige G3 (OF 2.4)
To: Kevin K Woo <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/16/2002 12:10:57
On Fri, 13 Sep 2002, Kevin K Woo wrote:
> Hi,
> As the subject header indicates, I accidentally set real-base to
> 600000 instead of F00000, and now my Beige G3 (266 mhz with OF 2.4) won't
> boot into Mac OS 9.1 or into the Open Firmware screen. I've tried
> unsuccessfully the following to fix my machine:
> - Option-Command-P-R to zap the PRAM
> - Option-Command-N-V to zap the NVRAM
> - Removing the battery from the motherboard for 10 minutes
As others have said, removing the battery works. Though 1) disconnect
power, and 2) do it longer. Also, you can try shorting the battery
contacts with say a screwdriver (if you have a 1k resistor or so, that'd
be better; I used a screwdriver and my Beige G3 266 was fine). The RTC
draws little power, and internal capacitance keeps it alive for a while.
Oh, I learned this after doing setenv real-base f0000000 (note extra 2
Take care,