Subject: Re: 7300 booting
To: Joe Laffey <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/19/2002 17:40:11
On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, Joe Laffey wrote:
> I am trying to get the 1.6 installer to boot up on the following machine:
> 7300
> Newer G3 275/275
> 192Mb RAM
> I seem to be hanging right after the:
> start=0x800000
> line.
> However once I got passed that and as far as (something close to)
> using 2048 buffer taking 8192Kb of RAM (line similar to this)
Especially the fact you got to using XX buffers once makes me think you're
fighting the problem everyone else is seeing with kernels (not) booting.
It's also the same one I muttered about in another Email this morning
about ofwboot.
As mentioned in the other thread, I updated my ofwboot.xcf to test
removing cache flushing code that kills OF 2.4 Beige G3s. That ofwboot
made my kernels stop booting. For me, it's right after the XXX buffers
message (specifically when mbinit() sets low-water marks on the mbuf and
cluster pools). The old ofwboot boots the SAME kernel fine.
I'm now doing the ever-enjoyable trick of binary-searching date-specific
source trees (cvs co/update -D foo).
I'm also a bit appalled by what I found so far. Using the 1.5.3 toolchain
(I expect current's the same), ofwboot.xcf built from sources from July
2000 is fine, but sources from January 2001 make a failing ofwboot. i.e.
the error happened well over a year ago. We obviously don't update our
boot loaders much. :-|
> I have tried System Disk (with the /chaos/control 7300 sync patch). I
> tried this using the monitor and keyboard in open firmware. This worked
> as far as getting into OF and issuing the boot command.
> I am using a DOS floppy (formatted and files copied on a PC..tried two
> PCs). I tried the boot.fs image (written with rawwrite on two different
> PCs). This installer floppy failed with READ TIMEOUT errors. I tried two
> different diskettes with the installer floppy, and two more diskettes with
> the DOS formatter installer and kernel.
> I have tried it from the serial console ttya. I see all the OF stuff on my
> terminal, and issue the commands.
> I read the FAQ about upgrade cards (like this Newer card). I tried zapping
> the PRAM and booting into Mac OS. I rebooted in Mac OS. (This is supposed to
> get the nvram patches from the upgrade card according to the FAQ.) With
> this procedure I tried getting into OF via command option OF. I also tried
> it via bootvars.
> I get the same hang at the start= line.
> I *AM* setting load-base to 600000 and real-base to F00000. I have
> verified this with printenv.
> Anybody have any ideas how to get this thing to boot? I would try an ISO
> (in case it is a bad floppy drive... the READ TIMEOUT errors have me
> worried about that). However, I get permissions errors on the 1.6 ISO dir
> on the ftp server.
> Any help would be appreciated.
Try 1.5.3. Or try the 1.5.3 boot floppies.
Take care,