Subject: Re: too-small partition size? (newbie question)
To: None <port-macppc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Makoto Fujiwara <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/22/2002 08:39:30
Scott> partition, is there something I can do to trim down the files in the
Scott> root? (The file "netbsd" does seem fairly large.) Would customizing
Have your /home, /tmp, /var in /usr directory.
Copy those to /usr/home, /usr/tmp, /usr/var
and symlink from the root.
You can live with those setup for a while.
I think default 32MBytes partition is too small anyway.
I presume the size will be the smaller value out of
100MByte or 1/5 of total disk size.
Makoto Fujiwara,