Subject: Re: Booting a Beige G3 266mhz (OF 2.4) box (was "Re: Install problems
To: Kevin Keith Woo <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/23/2002 14:43:28
On Sat, 21 Sep 2002, Kevin Keith Woo wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, Bill Studenmund wrote:
> > > "boot ide1/disk@0:0,\OFWBOOT.XCF;1 NETBSD_G.GZ;1" command.
> >
> > Is the above command what you typed? Because it won't work. :-(
> >
> Yes, that's the comamnd I typed. You are correct; it didn't work (:
> > I assume you're using a CD? That's the only place the ";1" matters (files
> > on CDs can have versions and you're saying you want version 1). Once you
> > get far enough along that you're reading from an ffs file system, our code
> > will think the ";1" is part of the name and get confused.
> >
> Yes, I'm booting from a CD. I have no other booting methods open to me. The floopy disk drive refuses to work (even in MacOS 9.1, I cannot use the floopy diskdrive).
> > You shouldn't combine ":0" with a file name. "ide1/disk@0:0" means boot
> > off of the "boot" partition on ide1/disk@0. That really ends up looking
> > for a boot driver partition in an Apple partition map.
> >
> I won't be using the "boot ide1/disk@0:0,\OFWBOOT.XCF;1 NETBSD_G.GZ;1"
> command anymore. I removed the ":0" so that the command became "boot
> ide1/disk@0,\ ..." and I received the "unrecognized client program
> format" message. I added the ":" back so the command became "boot
> ide1/disk@0:,\OFWBOOT.XCF;1 NETBSD.GMD;1" and I received the "CLAIM
> failed" message again. Since removing the ":0" and the "0" after the
> ":" didn't work, I'll be trying to boot by settting the "boot-device"
> and "boot-file" parameters and then invoking "0 bootr".
> I tried setting the "boot-device" to "ide1/@0:,\OFWBOOT.XCF;1" and
> "boot-file" to "NETBSD_G.GZ". This resulted in repeated "Warning,
> unexpected short transfer 0/10240" messages again. Then I tried
> setting "boot-device" to "ide1/@0:,\OFWBOOT.XCF", and I received
> repeated "unrecognized client program format" messages. If I set
> "boot-device" to "ide1/,\OFWBOOT.XCF;1", I receive multiple "unable to
> open: ide/,\OFWBOOT.XCF;1", and then the G3 resets and boots into
> MacOS. I've mis-understood how I should fix the problem. What do you
> recommend I set for "boot-device" and "boot-file"? I believe
> "boot-device" should be set to "ide1/@0:,\OFWBOOT.XCF;1" because at
> least OFWBOOT.XCF appears to load (as indicated by the appearance of
> the "NetBSD/macppc OpenFirmware Boot, Revision 1.6" message). However,
> the values I enter for the "boot-file" have mystified me (: I've set
> "boot-file" to "NETBSD_G.GZ", and I still get repeated "Warning,
> unexpected short transfer 0/10240" messages.
One problem you'll run into is that ofwboot parses the boot device to get
the location of a device to try loading the boot file from. I don't think
it's going to correctly understand a ":" not followed by a digit.
Try ":1". The colon indicates that we're giving a partition number to load
from. To have the colon and not give a partition number will confuse a
number of the different bits of code along the way, and you'll be
encountering error-case behavior.
Take care,