Subject: ap-perl on macppc
To: MacPPC NetBSD <>
From: Philip Brodd <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/29/2002 18:25:23
Thanks for feedback on my dhcp problem. Now here's an actual macppc-specific
question. I just installed the ap-perl package, but I get this error when I
load the mod_perl module in httpd.conf:
# /usr/pkg/sbin/httpd -t
Syntax error on line 206 of /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/pkg/lib/httpd/ into server:
/usr/pkg/lib/httpd/ Unsupported relocation type 10 in non-PLT
It looks like this is already known (problem report #13771). Has anyone
identified a fix for this yet?
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