Subject: Re: ofwboot.xcf for 1.6
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/05/2002 17:29:41
At 12:36 PM -0800 12/5/02, Bill Studenmund wrote:
>On Tue, 3 Dec 2002, Henry B. Hotz wrote:
>> I may be a bit out of order here since I haven't verified the
>>problem exists.
>> I seem to recall that the ofwboot.xcf included in the 1.6 iso image
>> and in the release ftp site wasn't updated properly. Someone (Bill?)
>> posted a link for a real, recompiled 1.6 version of ofwboot which
>> included support for some TiBook keyboard fixes and, I think,
>> OSX-flavor "UFS" support due to updated library includes.
>I put up a re-compiled version of ofwboot.xcf for 1.6, but it didn't fix
>those problems. It fixed the memory-allocation-corrupts-kernel problem.
Well, I just did a quick check and the one in the 1.6 release
directory doesn't work. Doesn't even get as far as a keyboard
problem. I suspect this is a Jaguar issue.
boot hd:9,ofwboot.xcf -a
prints some flickering stuff in grey-on-grey and then goes to a stop
icon. (The crossed circle, center of the screen.)
boot hd:9,\ofwboot.xcf hd:9,\netbsd
boots MacOS X.
> > Am I dreaming? If not could someone update me?
>> I'm hoping to set up a TiBook for dual boot from an OSX "UFS"
>> partition over the holidays. This should be substantially easier
>> than the standard installation instructions, I think. If I'm not
>> dreaming what we support in 1.6.
>I don't know if support for that is in 1.6.
Well if it isn't I'll try -current if I can. I know I saw some
traffic on it. I see there aren't any post 1.6 snapshots yet.
SIRTF just postponed launch from January to Tax Day (launch pad
conflict with a GPS satellite), and I got permission to take a
vacation over Christmas as a result.
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