Subject: Re: 300MHz beige G3 questions
To: None <>
From: Jeff Walther <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/06/2002 21:19:47
At 18:10 -0800 12/06/2002, David Gatwood wrote:
>It's also probably worth noting that the MESH controller was configured to
>run at slow external bus speeds, but that its clock speed can be changed
>in software to improve performance if the bus is clean enough to handle
>it. The Linux driver has either a run time or compile time option, I
>forget which. Scary.
That's very cool. It also makes sense because MESH was used for Fast
SCSI-II on the previous generation of PCI PowerMacs. I think
Apple's MESH is based on the NEC/SYMBIOS/LSI 53CF96 (perhaps they
licensed the design?) because that's what they used in the 8100 and
when the MESH turned up on the PowerSurge machines, it was in exactly
the same package and with similar surrounding ancillary bits, etc. as
the 53CF96.
I haven't gotten around to pulling the MESH off of a PowerSurge
machine and substituting a 53CF96 just to see, though.
Jeff Walther