Subject: Scuzzy Thinking (Re: 300MHz beige G3 questions)
To: port-macppc <>
From: Andy Ball <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/07/2002 14:36:56
BS> The on board SCSI is narrow (10MB/s, 5MB/s external).
DG> It's also probably worth noting that the MESH
> controller was configured to run at slow external bus
> speeds, but that its clock speed can be changed in
> software to improve performance if the bus is clean
> enough to handle it.
Is that how it does 10Mb/S internal and 5Mb/S external (if
that's right)? Or is it simply clocked at 5MHz and the
internal segment is 'slow, wide' (which seems unlikely)?
I lay awake this morning wondering whether certain multi
-media applications might benefit from a second (probably
external) disk on the SCSI bus. Suppose there was an MPEG
decoder or CD writer on the same bus: am I right in thinking
that long streams of data could take place between the SCSI
devices, by-passing the mainboard and microprocessor?
- Andy Ball.