Subject: Re: 300MHz beige G3 questions
To: None <>
From: Jeff Walther <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/07/2002 17:28:38
At 14:58 -0600 12/07/2002, Andy Ball wrote:
>Hello Jeff,
> JW> ,
> > has the Apple OEM version of the Atto UL2D card for
> > $39.95. A week or two ago it was $10 less.
>Sounds like a bargain, even at the higher price. Presumably
>the beige G3 can boot from a drive on this card?
It can under MacOS. I'm not sure how well it does with BSD. I would
assume it would work fine.
I'm not much of a software guy. I'm subscribed to these lists mainly
because it's one of the few places hardware details *ever* get
discussed. There's just not much knowledge, or at least discussion
of Mac hardware details out there and Unix email lists are some of
the few places they at least come up occasionally and I get to learn
Jeff Walther