Subject: Re: Beige G3 - Unable to boot install
To: Ben Jansen <>
From: Eric Damien Berna <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/11/2002 17:30:10
At 2:02 PM -0800 12/11/02, Ben Jansen wrote:
>The G3 has OF 2.4 so this should work, shouldn't it?
Nope. OF 2.4 doesn't work. Every few months somebody (including me)
tries to get an OF 2.4 beige G3 to work, and asks about it on this
list. I've never seen a report of success booting NetBSD on an OF
2.4 beige G3. My solution was to switch to an 8500 with a G4
processor, the SCSI card from the beige G3, and a Rage 128 card.
Maybe we should document this problem. Should we put the fact that
these don't work on the model support page, and maybe add something
to the macppc port FAQ?
Eric Damien Berna