Subject: Re: Beige G3 - Unable to boot install
To: Christopher Tribo <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/17/2002 14:13:34
On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Christopher Tribo wrote:
> I thought you had to compile OFWboot.xcf to match the load base
> setting in OpenFirmware. Any chance that load-base 660000 works? I
> remember having an OFWBOOT.XCF that was compiled to load at that address
> that didn't work on my OF 2.0f1 machine.
Define "match." There are ofwboot.xcf files that are compiled in a manner
that won't work with a given load-base value, but it's not a matching
The problem is that load-base means different things for the file loaders
(net boot or file system boot) and for bootxx, the "whole disk" loader we
use on dedicated disks. For the file loaders, load-base is a scratch area.
Blocks are read there and then the binary is placed where it's supposed to
go (where we compile it to go). -> load-base is NOT where you want the
program to run from.
For the bootxx code, we load blocks and then execute them directly. Thus
we need to code to run from the load-base addresses.
Right now we have the build code set up so that the bootxx version
(ofwboot) executes from 600000, and the file loader version, ofwboot.xx,
executes from 640000. Thus we consistently use the same load-base as MacOS
Take care,