Subject: Disconnecting: Corrupted MAC on input.
To: None <>
From: Daniel Lamblin <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/02/2003 16:15:19
Okay, so put this message:
Disconnecting: Corrupted MAC on input.
allong with this message:
Disconnecting: Bad packet length 1448348901.
into the "happens a lot to daniel's PM8500" category.
Just a thought, could this have something to do with the box being DMZed
behind a linksys router.
Officially it's internal ip is, but any requests to the
router's static ip (64.something) get passed allong to the netbsd box.
Also I'm sshing to the static IP from inside as well at
are there some known configuration issues I should have been aware of to
make this work better?