Subject: Re: Macronix MX98715AEC network adapter [deadlock]
To: None <>
From: Donald Lee <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/22/2003 08:52:31
Daniel Lamblin raises a very good point. I am about to upgrade to
NetBSD 1.6.1, and want to put in a good 10/100 ethernet card.
Which one works best in 1.6.x? daniel's experience with the
SOHOware card mirrors my own from a year or two back where there
were lots of cards with drivers, and most of them worked sorta, but
only a few were reliable, and none really delivered excellent
From what I've read, this has improved in 1.6.
Can anyone tell a first hand account of a good choice for a 10/100 card
in NetBSD 1.6.x on MacPPC?