Subject: Re: pdisk(8) updated to create root/user/swap partitions
To: David Friggens <>
From: Darrin B. Jewell <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/28/2003 00:07:38
David Friggens <> writes:
> I grabbed the files from
> and tried to create NetBSD Root and Swap partitions.
> I tried netbsd-pdisk.macppc-1-6 when I booted from the INSTALL kernel
> of the 1.6Q snapshot I have (20030331) but it will only set the Root
> flags - there's no option to set Swap (or Usr) flags.
That's weird. Maybe I uploaded the wrong binary. I'll download
it and do a quick test.
> So I tried netbsd-pdisk.macos-10-2 under OS X (10.2.1) and it asks me
> which flags to set, but it claims the map isn't writeable and won't
> write any of my changes.
You have to run it as root, and you probably want to kill the
autodiskmount process first. It can be restarted by typing
/sbin/autodiskmount -va
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks
> David