Subject: Re: pdisk(8) updated to create root/user/swap partitions
To: None <>
From: David Friggens <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/30/2003 10:31:02
> Well, I just downloaded the binary from the ftp site and retried it.
> It works for me. If you choose to create a new partition or change
> or set the type to Apple_UNIX_SVR2 it should ask you how to set the
> bzb values to choose root/swap/user
I downloaded the binary again and it works fine. No idea what was going
on before.
Then I ran in to another problem. On both the 1.6Q and 1.6R INSTALL
kernels I can newfs my NetBSD Root partition and mount it, but when I
try and write to it I get a panic and instant reboot.
I solved this by changing the partition type to Apple_UFS - all fine
now (still using newfs in NetBSD), though I don't understand why.
Now all I need to do is download another snapshot to replace the
inexplicably corrupted .tgz files and I should be fine. (I assume OS X
is the culprit, seeing as it likes to occasionally rename them to
.tgz.gz :-| )