Subject: Re: can't boot NetBSD on a PowerMac G4
To: None <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/03/2003 11:43:05
At 8:28 PM +0200 6/3/03, wrote:
:)it writes something rapidly and then It shows a grey forbidden / stop
:)sign. Like the one of ghost busters :)
Grey screen means it's trying to boot MacOS. The stop sign is from the
MacOS X bootloader saying that you asked it for a weird file.
Where did you put ofwboot.xcf?
And which 1 GHz PowerMac G4? The Quicksilver 2002 model should be fine,
the Mirrored Drive Doors model hasn't been tested yet, and the FW 800 model
doesn't support the built-in ATA100 bus (which has the Apple-installed hard
-- MW