Subject: Re: IDE-controller in 7300 ?
To: Niels S. Eliasen <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/14/2003 15:15:31
> I need some more diskspace and before investing some money in a "old"
> SCSI-disk I wondered about getting an IDE-controller and a IDE-disk ...
> Anyone with some experience as to controllers that work _without_ any
> probs ?
> or will any no-name controller work ?
I've only seen one older card not work. It was for a PC and the boot ROM
was what kept it from working. That, and one of the ATA-133 cards (don't
remember which) would sometimes have problems when using two drives on the
two channels at the same time. Otherwise, every single one so far has been
plug and play, even with 180 gig drives and so on.
John Klos
Sixgirls Computing Labs