Subject: Re: Networking question MTU on non-local nets
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/15/2003 16:56:40
> You can actually set the path MTU explicitly with netBSD. I have not
> played with this much, but it appears that you can say:
> route add -mtu 1000 -static
Well, that's not quite a path MTU you're setting, though admittedly its
behaviour will be about the same.
Also, before you depend on that, check to see that the bug has been
fixed that makes it use the interface MTU in the ICMP unreachable, even
if the route MTU is actually the limiting one. (If I'm reading the
code right, this bug is still present in -current: when it generates a
"need to frag and DF set" unreachable, it uses the interface's MTU even
if it should be using a route's MTU. I can send you the patches that
fix that in my tree, but they're old enough that they probably need
human attention before applying them to -current. Check the code which
sets icmp_nextmtu in icmp_error(). This might be related to PR 13523.
I probably should send a PR about it.)
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