Subject: Re: 7600 OF garbage
To: None <,>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/20/2003 14:41:47
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On Fri, Jun 20, 2003 at 11:28:14AM -0700, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
> That must be specific to the 7600, though. I just installed 1.6.1 on a
> 7300 this weekend and with the OF1.0.5 patch, video works 100% with
> output device set to /chaos/control. Unless other 7xxx Macs do it also?
I've never had trouble with a post-patch 7500 (,
for one example; been solid for four years now, and it's where I
received this email from you) and recall having troubles with a
7300 only when its video chipset was actually damaged (that is, it
didn't work under Mac OS either).
It's something about the bus timing or exact chipset revision used
here, I think.
Hey, why's this on port-mac68k? (All my port-* mail goes into the
same mailbox.) Did I screw that up in the original response? Heading
it on over to port-macppc, follow-ups should go there...
gabriel rosenkoetter
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