Subject: Re: Lack of Ethernet support on an iBook SE?
To: David H. Gutteridge <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/26/2003 23:43:30
On Thursday, June 26, 2003, at 01:45 PM, David H. Gutteridge wrote:
> vendor 0x106b product 0x0021 (ethernet network) at pci2 dev 15
> function 0 not configured
According to a -current pcidevs:
product APPLE GMAC 0x0021 GMAC Ethernet
So, at least in -current, the "gem" driver would be appropriate for
that device.
I don't remember, but doesn't the 1.6 vintage use the "gm" driver
instead of "gem"? It may be that "gm" wasn't considered good enough to
enable in the default kernel configurations...
-- Jason R. Thorpe <>