Subject: Re: open firmware 1.0.5
To: None <>
From: Jeff Walther <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/27/2003 12:11:20
At 17:52 +0900 06/27/2003, Makoto Fujiwara wrote:
>Sorry not with 8500, but I have checked on my 1.0.5 machine:
>Following is my confirmation on UMAX S900.
>(But I noticed this did not make any confirmation..)
Just a note that I hope will be helpful.
The 8500 and the Umax S900 have exactly the same firmware. They
both use the ROM Revision $77D.28F2. In fact, the 7500, 8500, 9500,
7600, PTP, PowerWave, S900, J700 and Daystar Genesis all use this
identical version of the firmware. Also, many of the 7200 use it as
well, although some 7200s have $77D.28F1. Oh, and the PCC
PowerCurve, PowerCenter, PowerTower and PowerCenter Pro also use the
$77D.28F2 firmware.
The four ROM chips are marked 341S0168 through 341S0171 for
$77D.28F2. They are marked 341S0106 through 341S0109 for $77D.28F1.
The 7300, and original 8600 and 9600 have updated firmware. The
revision number is $77D.34F2 and the four ROM chips are marked
341S0280 through 341S0283. I don't know if this update made any
changes to Open Firmware.
The 8600 Enhanced and 9600 Enhanced (Kansas machines) have a still
newer revision, $77D.34F5 and the four ROMs in these machines are
marked 341S0380 through 341S0383. Again, I don't know if this update
includes changes to Open Firmware, but this is the version of hte ROM
which allows proper operation with Speculative Processing enabled
when using G3 and G4 processors under the MacOS.
Incidentally, the ROMs/firmware from the 8600/9600 Enhanced works in
the earlier machines including the 7200 and fixes the Speculative
Processing issue.
Jeff Walther