Subject: Re: OpenFirmware & XFree on a 7300
To: Nat Friesen <>
From: ML <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/07/2003 21:00:17
> I have the same problem with a Voodoo3 in my 7300. OF and the NetBSD
> console work fine but I can't get X to work because of mmap errors.
> Could you tell me what you did in order to get this combo to work? Or am
> I misunderstanding and you only had text output too?
basically I hacked the voodoo3 driver not to try to save/restore the VGA textmode ( this causes the mmap error ) - but it leaves the problem with vgahw, switching resolutions / colour depth doesn't work at all. With a working vgahw module the textmode stuff would probably work too ( or at least not cause the mmap error anymore )
I used the official XFree86 4.3 sources.
good luck