Subject: Re: OpenFirmware & XFree on a 7300
To: Alex Zepeda <>
From: Michael G. Schabert <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/07/2003 16:06:08
At 12:46 PM -0800 11/7/03, Alex Zepeda wrote:
>On Fri, Nov 07, 2003 at 01:49:37PM -0500, Evertz NetBSD wrote:
>> I noticed some sort of mmap problem a while back playing with a G4 digital
>> audio.
>I doubt this is the same problem (altho it may be the same type of
>problem). The sound driver does not implement the mmap command, so
>if you have a program which expects to be able to mmap
>/dev/{audio,dsp} it will fail.
I think he meant the MODEL called "G4 Digital Audio", not that he was
working on digital audio on a G4 :).
Just a thought,
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