Subject: Re: Latest currnet kernels don't boot
To: None <>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/22/2003 02:56:17
In article <> wrote:
> I have a possible fix which I'll test tonight on my IBM NWS1000.
> Rather than restoring ci_curpm, I'm moving the initial trapframe down
> by one callframe. Then directly after the trapframe, I'm storing a pointer
> to the current process'es pmap. This is nicer than ci_curpm since I don't
> have to swap it on context switch. Since I know the page is mapped and
> accessible since I've restored the userstate from it, getting the pmap can
> not result in another DSI fault.
> I've attached the diffs (they at least build) but haven't tested them yet.
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to fix the problem on my Apus2000/200.
I rebuild a kernel with this patch but it stops after mountroot as before,
and I can't get ddb prompt even on serial console after the hang.
Izumi Tsutsui