Subject: problem with netboot
To: None <>
From: Niels Bergsma [Het Vestzaktheater Enschede] <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/22/2003 23:09:50
Hi all!,
I seem to have a problem with booting NetBSD v1.6.1 MacPPC over the net...
I'm trying to set my old Apple powermac 8500 to boot from network.
Some info about my mac and what I did so far...
It has Open Firmware v1.0.5
I set up to real-base to F00000
I seems not have a problem with /dev/chaos (I connected a VGA display and
it had no problem displaying openfirmware)
The MAC is connected to an x86 FreeBSD 5.1 server that also is used to
boot diskless sparc station's 5 with NetBSD (so... tftpd and nfs are setup
my /etc/bootptab is looking like this:
futher: I made a directory /mac, copied netbsd.macppc to it...
I copied owfboot.xcf to /tftpboot
Changed bf entry to bf=/mac/netbsd.gz
Add an arp entry... (arp -s ipaddress hwaddressmac)
***The problem***
When I open the Open Firmware and type: boot enet:, ofwboot.xcf the
bootloader loads and tries to catch a kernel, without any luck. It
complains it can't open an kernel: unknown error 13 ?!?
Is this a bug maybe are do I seem to forget something?
I also tried to unzip the kernel / use different kernels (like
netbsd-GENERIC.gz) tried netbsd v1.5.2. but everything doesn't help :-(
Niels Bergsma
Hoofdtechniek Het Vestzaktheater Enschede
adr: Walstraat 35 / 7511GG / Eschede / The Netherlands
tel: +31 6 22347749