Subject: Re: PowerMac 6500/250 Install troubles
To: rian <>
From: Michael G. Schabert <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/18/2004 13:17:01
>After detecting all the devices the kernel proceeds to run /sbin/init.
>The only problem is that it can't find /sbin/init. It responds with
>something like:
>boot device: wd0
>root on wd0a dumps on wd0b
>Cannot find init Error 14
>Cannot find inito Error 14
>Cannot find init.bak Error 14
>Then it automatically reboots. I rebuilt the kernel again with
>"config netbsd root on wd0a type ffs"
>still no dice, same init errors. This doesn't make sense because when i
>boot with the Install Boot Disks i can easily mount /dev/wd0a, and
>/dev/wd0g/ and use the swap space. So what gives?
>If anyone knows why this is, or why this happens after building a custom
>kernel i woudl greatly appreciate it.
Dusable OFB_ENABLE_CACHE in your custom kernel. Allen Briggs posted
the following back in April:
>In any case, can you try the following patch (with OFB_ENABLE_CACHE
>Index: ofb.c
>RCS file: /cvsroot/src/sys/arch/macppc/dev/ofb.c,v
>retrieving revision 1.26
>diff -u -r1.26 ofb.c
>--- ofb.c 2002/03/17 19:40:44 1.26
>+++ ofb.c 2003/04/22 01:39:23
>@@ -247,7 +247,8 @@
> /* Enable write-through cache. */
> if (ofb_enable_cache && battable[0xc].batu == 0) {
>- battable[0xc].batl = BATL(addr & 0xf0000000, BAT_W, BAT_PP_RW);
>+ battable[0xc].batl = BATL(addr & 0xf0000000,
> battable[0xc].batu = BATL(0xc0000000, BAT_BL_256M, BAT_Vs);
> addr &= 0x0fffffff;
> addr |= 0xc0000000;
> Allen Briggs
> Wasabi Systems, Inc.
You may want to wait for someone more knowledgeable to confirm that
the patch is still relevant, though (using a kernel w/o the cache
enabled in the meantime).
Bikers don't *DO* taglines.