Subject: Re: macppc port "unstable" in -current
To: None <>
From: Ian Fry <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/10/2004 16:09:17
On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 at 11:51:18AM +0000, I wrote:
> As an extra data point, I got a panic last night whilst doing a
> run: pmap_pinit(): out of segments
Well, I got another panic over the weekend, and this time, managed to get
a backtrace - seems to be a different panic to the one mentioned above,
panic: pmap_pvo_enter: failed
Begin traceback...
0xd72c3230: at pmap_pvo_enter+300
0xd72c3280: at pmap_enter+194
0xd72c32b0: at ubc_fault+2e4
0xd72c3320: at uvm_fault+f04
0xd72c3450: at trap+2a4
0xd72c34d0: kernel DSI write trap @ 0xd5374000 by memcpy+90: srr1=0x9032
r1=0xd72c3590 cr=0x48004044 xer=0x20000000 ctr=0x800 dsisr=0x42000000
0xd72c3590: at ADBDevTable+87bd0b30
0xd72c35a0: at VOP_GETPAGES+68
0xd72c3630: at uiomove+1b0
0xd72c3660: at ffs_write+41c
0xd72c3700: at VOP_WRITE+44
0xd72c3730: at vn_rdwr+204
0xd72c37c0: at coredump_writesegs_elf32+90
0xd72c37f0: at uvm_coredump_walkmap+174
0xd72c3860: at coredump_elf32+2e0
0xd72c3930: at coredump+2cc
0xd72c3e30: at sigexit+ac
0xd72c3e50: at postsig+280
0xd72c3ec0: at trap+564
0xd72c3f40: user DSI write trap @ 0 by 0x180c048: srr1=0xf032
r1=0x471ffbe0 cr=0x44024088 xer=0 ctr=0x4189c710 dsisr=0x42000000
End traceback...
There was more after this, but it followed:
syncing disks... panic: lockmgr: locking against myself
If anybody wants the remaining traceback information, please let me know.