Subject: Re: State of current, or it is possible to succeed with "" ??
To: Benny Lootens <>
From: Axel Scheepers <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/24/2004 13:39:58
----- Original Message -----
> installing my favourite developing tools ... I have the OpenFirmware as
> well and miss a BIOS-like feature in a apple computer. I've bought Mac
> OS X, but on my g3/288ram it's too damn slow ..
You must be kidding here... I'd trade any pc-bios for openfirmware,
anytime.. ;-)
I have a iBook over here on which I sometimes test NetBSD (couldn't install
due to keyboard problems). Now it runs OpenBSD for the time being.
(dual boot with OSX)
For all this testing I've set up a netboot server, so I can netboot
different kernels
for testing without much hassle. (I also have several sparc's laying around
which I
have to netboot, no cd/floppy)
It works pretty well when you need to try lot's of kernels.