Subject: Re: Booting a somewhat crippled PowerBase
To: Henry B. Hotz <>
From: Jason Sterne <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/25/2004 16:23:31
On Thursday 25 March 2004 01:08 am, Henry B. Hotz wrote:
> At 12:55 AM -0500 3/25/04, Jason Sterne wrote:
> Booting is complex. See the install notes, which cover a lot of the
> options. Sounds like you know OF well enough to deal with most of
> them.
> >I'd also like to get Ethernet going as cheaply as possible. I have several
> >Tulip-compatible cards for the PC. Is there any chance they would work with
> >NetBSD on PowerPC despite the obvious firmware inconsistency? ;)
> Shouldn't be a problem in general. Some drivers might not support
> both endianness, but people seem pretty good about keeping up with
> that. Unless the cards have an OF prom you won't be able to net-boot
> with them.
SWEET! I did have to coax an old floppy drive to read the kernel
(surprisingly, it had enough life left to get the job done) and the Ethernet
works just fine.