Subject: Re: Initializing new hard drive
To: None <>
From: Jeff Fry <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/05/2004 06:35:15
More info needed. What model of Mac is it? Does the drive show up in
the Apple System Profiler? What type of drive is it? Has it previously
been formatted with something other than Apple's Drive Setup?
On Saturday, April 3, 2004, at 09:09 PM, Leo Przybylski wrote:
> Hello all,
> This may be more of a question for a mac list, but I'm not really a
> mac user. I'm a BSD user who got a hold of a mac. I'd like to put BSD
> on it, but I can't seem to initialize the disk. I have OS 9.2 and I am
> running it from the cd. I started Drive Setup and tried to initialize
> the disk. It won't let me though. No matter what I tried in the custom
> options, it still fails. Anyone help? What do I do?
> Leo