Subject: Re: bootable CDs
To: Bruce ONeel <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/21/2004 06:49:13
On Fri, Jun 18, 2004 at 01:51:09PM +0100, Bruce ONeel wrote:
> Hi,
> I worked yesterday evening to make a bootable CD for my
> clamshell iBook and I was 100% sucessful for one which
> boots from OpenFirmware but was not sucessful for one
> which could boot with the C key.
> I was wondering if there was abug in the instructions at
> where they
> talked about the bootscript file. After talking about
> adding the .chrp extension to the hfsmap.lst file
> I would have expected to have bootscript end in .chrp.
> Either that or I'd expect that some other file would end
> in .chrp, right?
> Or is my mental model wrong. My vague memories of
> C booting required a blessed system folder with a file with a
> particular mac type in it.
speaking of which, does the ISO on the site boot with the C press
thing? i'm not a mac-head, and my 8600 refuses to boot from the cd-rom if i
press and hold C. i'm just waiting for my serial cable to show up, since i
can't seem to get the things to go to OF on the gfx head either. (not a huge
deal since this thing is going to run headless)
"Performing a Google search on the fairly unique name you've chosen weeks
ago for a piece of software you're writing, only to discover that the
sole occurance of that name is as a pen-name for someone who spends his
spare time writing X-rated PowerPuff Girls fan fiction is pretty-much a
buzzkill." -- Jonathan Patschke --