Subject: Re: Toolchain build fails for 1.6
To: Paul Frommeyer <>
From: Matthew Kolb <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/29/2004 14:51:52
On Jun 29, 2004, at 2:43 PM, Paul Frommeyer wrote:
> In reply to your message of Mon, 28 Jun 2004 17:59:29 PDT:
> Rolling up some more feedback:
<massive snip>
> But I'm totally digressing. With apologies for any bruised toes from my
> editorializing and again, many many thanks for the assistance,
Here's the deal. You wouldn't need to do a toolchain build if you
didn't get new src. You could simply use the make, cc, and config on
your currently running system (just as you said you could do with other
If you had installed the src when you had installed your OS, or if you
would grab the src tarball for 1.6-RELEASE, or if you used cvs to get
that particular src, you can just cd to
/usr/src/sys/arch/`machine`/conf, edit your kern conf, config it, cd to
the compile dir, and make clean && make depend && make && cp /netbsd
/netbsd.old && cp netbsd /netbsd && shutdown -r now
my first suggestion (the -t) was so you could build toolchain since you
had *new* src.
anyways, good luck with netbsd, i think if you keep fooling around with
it, and learn more about it, you will see that it is an OUTSTANDING
operating system, and that it is a joy to maintain.
m. kolb <>