Subject: ATI CPI card & OF booting problem
To: None <>
From: Zinneken <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/04/2004 03:35:30
I have an ATY Xclaim card in an Apus 3000 / Umax C600 machine. I want
it to be used by the OF instead of the no board video.
Path ::
Words ::
(line 1) close restore draw-logo write open disable-videomode
(line 2) (Nothing listed)
(line 3) enable-videomode show-modes set-mode mode# read-rectangle
(line 4) draw-rectangle fill-rectangle get-colors set -colors color!
(line 5) dimensions
(line 6) ok
So I suppose the card supports OF and that I should get it to work?
but, the command
setenv output-device /bandit@F2000000/ATY,XCLAIM_LTPro@D
yields a black screen (on botht the ATI and on board video).
How can I get this to work?
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